Wands – “Queen of the thrones of flame”.
A sympathetic and understanding person, friendly and loving. Home and nature loving with sincere interest in other people.
Success in understanding and enterprises.
Reversed – Virtuous but strict and economical.
Jealousy, deceit, possible infidelity. Unstable emotions, fickleness. Resistance, obstacles, opposition.
Cups-“Queen of the thrones of the waters”
Warm hearted and fair. Poetic, beloved, adored. A good friend and mother, devoted wife.
Love, happy marriage, vision.
Reversed – May be a good woman in some ways but inclined to perversity. Not to be trusted.
Dishonesty, immorality, unreliability.
Swords – “Queen of the thrones of the air”.
Subtle, keen, quick-witted. A widow or sad woman. One who has known great happiness but is currently anxious.
Mourning, privation, absence, loneliness. Acquainted with sadness. Widowhood, sterility.
Reversed – ill-tempered, artifice – a prude. Treacherous enemy.
Narrow-mindedness. Malice. Bigotry. Deceitfulness. Vengefulness. Prudishness.
Pentacles – “Queen of the thrones of earth”.
Intelligent and thoughtful; creative on the physical plane. Generous and charitable, a noble soul.
Generosity, opulence, security, freedom from material lack. Liberty, magnificence, grace, dignity.
Reversed – A vicious, untrusting person.
False prosperity. Suspense. suspicion. Responsibilities neglected. Dependence on others. Fear of failure and lack.Mistrust of those close to you.
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