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Sunday, 6 May 2012

The Celtic Cross and Ladder spread


Probably one of the best-known spreads, the Celtic Cross and Ladder is good for “How/why” questions.  The meanings of the cards at each position can be flexible, but generally the central cards refer to the current situation, those to the left and below represent the past influences, and those above and to the right are future conditions.

Celtic cross

1.  The current situation – what prompted the reading

2.  What crosses you – the obstacles in your way

3.  What is below you – the underlying cause

4.  What is behind you -  the situation that is passing out of your life

5. What crowns you – the best you can hope for at present

6.  What is before you – the situation that is coming to pass

Cards 7-11 – What is likely to happen if  you continue along the current path.  The cards usually refer to the coming few months (no more than six) with card 7 being closest in time and 11 furthest away.

Sunday, 22 April 2012

The Kings

Wands – “Prince of the chariots of fire”
An honest and conscientious person, mature, wise and devoted.  Friendly, sympathetic, educated.  A man of enterprise and authority.
Unexpected heritage, a good marriage.
Reversed – Severe, unyielding, strict in judgements.
Opposition, a quarrel.  Advice that should be followed.  Severity, austerity.  Excessive and exaggerated ideas.
Cups –“Prince of the chariot of the waters”
A friendly, learned person, generous.  Creative intelligence in arts or sciences, a man of business, law, religion.
Kindness, liberality, generosity.  Responsibility, creativity.
Reversed – Violent;  artistic temperament.  Dishonest, double-dealing.  Crafty, shifty.
Loss, scandal, injustice – ruin.
Swords – “Prince of the chariot of the wind”.
Wise man, counsellor with helpful ideas.  Active and determined.  Experienced, authoritative, controlled and commanding.  Professional man, person with many ideas, thoughts and designs.
Whatever rises from authority, military and government concerns, law, judgement.  Justice, force, superiority.
Reversed – A cruel, barbarous, unjust person.  Dangerous or wicked, causes unnecessary disturbances and sadness;  may pursue a matter to ruin.
Cruelty, conflict, selfishness, sadism.  Perversity.  Be careful in matters concerning the law. 
Pentacles- “Prince of the chariot of earth”
An experienced and successful leader, a person of character and intelligence.  A loyal friend, reliable in marriage, successful businessman.
Business acumen, mathematical ability.  Valour, reliability, success.   Wise investments.  Affinity to acquire money and valuable possessions.
Reversed – An old and vicious man.
Perverse use of talents.  Be careful if associating with gamblers and speculators.  Corruption.  Using any means to achieve the desired end.  Avarice.  Unfaithfulness.  Peril.  Danger.  Thriftless.

The Queens

Wands – “Queen of the thrones of flame”. 
A sympathetic and understanding person, friendly and loving.  Home and nature loving with sincere interest in other people. 
Success in understanding and enterprises.
Reversed –  Virtuous but strict and economical.
Jealousy, deceit, possible infidelity.  Unstable emotions, fickleness.  Resistance, obstacles, opposition.
Cups-“Queen of the thrones of the waters”
Warm hearted and fair.  Poetic, beloved, adored.  A good friend and mother, devoted wife.
Love, happy marriage, vision.
Reversed – May be a good woman in some ways but inclined to perversity.  Not to be trusted.
Dishonesty, immorality, unreliability.
Swords – “Queen of the thrones of the air”.
Subtle, keen, quick-witted. A widow or sad woman.  One who has known great happiness but is currently anxious.
Mourning, privation, absence, loneliness.  Acquainted with sadness.  Widowhood, sterility.
Reversed – ill-tempered, artifice – a prude.  Treacherous enemy.
Narrow-mindedness.  Malice.  Bigotry.  Deceitfulness.  Vengefulness.  Prudishness.
Pentacles – “Queen of the thrones of  earth”.
Intelligent and thoughtful;  creative on the physical plane.  Generous and charitable, a noble soul. 
Generosity, opulence, security, freedom from material lack.  Liberty, magnificence, grace, dignity.
Reversed – A vicious, untrusting person.
False prosperity.  Suspense.  suspicion.  Responsibilities neglected.  Dependence on others.  Fear of failure and lack.Mistrust of those close to you.

The Knights

Wands – “Lord of flame and lightning, king of the spirits of fire”
A fair-haired, blue eyed person, capable of creating conflict or rivalry.
Departure, journey.  advancement into the unknown.  Alteration.  Flight, absence.  Change of residence.
Reversed – Discord, interruption.  Unexpected change.  Breakup of person relationships.  Discontinuance.  Quarrelling.
Cups- “Lord of the waves and the waters, king of the hosts of the sea”.
A highly intelligent person with romantic dreams.  Someone in love with you.  Bearer of messages.
Advances, proposition, invitation.  Arrival, approach.  Advancement.  Attraction.  A request or inducement.  Proposal.  Challenge or appeal.
Revered – A sly or cunning person, a swindler.
Subtlety, artifice, trickery, deception, fraud.  Look carefully at any proposition put to you.
Swords – “lord of the wind and the breezes, king of the spirits of air”
A dark-haired, brown-eyed young man, strong and domineering, about to rush headlong into life.
Bravery, skill, capacity.  Heroic action;  rush into the unknown without fear.  Opposition and war.   The surrounding cards indicate whether a good or destructive influence is to come.
Reversed – A conceited fool. 
Incapacity.  Imprudence.  Dispute or ruin over a lover.  Impulsive mistakes.  Disunion.  Braggadocio.
Pentacles – “Lord of the wide and fertile land, king of the spirits of the earth.”Materialistic, methodical, reliable, patient, persistent;  organised, capable – a dependable person.
Utility, patience, laborious toil, responsibility;  the coming or going of a matter.
Reversed – A young man of careless habits.
Inertia, idleness, stagnation.  Carelessness.  Lack of determination or direction.  Narrow-mindedness, limited by dogmatic views.

The Pages (Princesses)

Wands – “Princess of the shining flame, Rose of the palace of fire”
A blond, blue-eyed young man or girl;  a child or a lover.
Message from  a friend.  A stranger with good intentions;  a consistent person, faithful and loyal.  Good news.
Reversed – Bearer of bad tidings;  a gossip.  Someone who may break your heart.
Indecision in proceeding, reluctance, displeasure.
Cups-“Princess of the waters and the lotus”
A studious, thoughtful and imaginative person, loyal, helpful, trustworthy – gives service.
News, a message.  The birth of a child.  New methods in business.
Reversed- a flatterer.
Obstacles, deception may be uncovered.  Temporary distraction, seduction.
Swords- “Princess of the rushing winds, Lotus of the palace of air”
An active, dark-haired, brown eyed boy or girl.  Someone who is adept at perceiving, discerning and uncovering the unknown or what is less tan obvious.  A discreet person.
Vigilance.  Agility.  Spying, for good or evil.  Scrutiny.
Reversed – revealed as an imposter.  Unforeseen circumstances.  Possible illness.  Powerlessness in the face of opposition.  Lack of preparation
Pentacles- “Princess of the echoing hills, Rose of the palace of earth”
Dark-haired, dark-eyed boy or girl, careful and diligent.
Deep concentration and application.  Study.  Scholarship.  Reflection.  Respect for knowledge, desire for learning and new ideas.  A do-gooder.  Bearer of news.
Reversed – Unrealistic person. 
Failure to recognise the obvious.  Dissipation of ideas.  Illogical thinking.  Rebelliousness.  Wastefulness.  Unfavourable news.

The Court Cards

Each suit of the Minor Arcana has four court cards – the King and Queen, familiar from the 52 card deck, and instead of the Jack, two unfamiliar cards – the Page (or Princess) and the Knight.

The court cards can either represent a living, breathing person who will have an influence upon the enquirer, or personal qualities that will be significant – the cards may be advising the enquirer to display certain qualities or cautioning against a particular behaviour.  When a disproportionately large number of court cards turn up in a reading, the enquirer is influenced by others and may be trying to please everyone at once.

Each of the court cards has something to say about changes to come.  I like to think of them as the Angels of the Tarot – Angel meaning “Messenger”.

The Kings represent the reactionary forces.  They are satisfied with the situation as it is and  are deeply suspicious of change.  After all, they are at the top of the tree and have nothing more to gain from any change.  The King votes for the status quo.

The Queens are the conservationary forces.  They question change and have to be convinced that the benefits of change outweigh the risks.   They recognise that change is sometimes beneficial but are against change for change’s sake.

The Knights are the revolutionary forces.  They are represented as riding horses as they are moving from one place to another.  The knight is the king’s heir so is impatient, wanting change to happen now, regardless of the risk.

The Pages or Princesses represent the evolutionary forces.  She knows she will grow into her power when she becomes a woman and is content to allow matters to unfold in their own sweet time.   The page is also a herald, and when she turns up in a spread she is bringing news.  

The Tens

Wands – “Oppression” .  Overburdened.  Excessive pressure.  Problems soon to be resolved.  “You gotta carry that weight”.  Carrying a heavy load but will reach their goal.
Reversed – Difficulties.  Deceit, lies, some losses will occur.
Cups- “Perpetual Success”. “ All will be well and all will be well and all manner of things will be well”.  True friendship, lasting success.Pleasure, peace, happy family life.  Heart’s desire attained.
Reversed- Loss of friendship.  Unhappiness, family quarrel.  Strife, opposition.
Swords – “Ruin”.  Overkill.  The worst is over, the only way is up.  Generally applies to a group rather than an individual.  The worst has happened – a card of hope.
Reversed- False dawn, passing success.  Temporary gain.
Pentacles- “Wealth”.  Prosperity, riches, security, family traditions,  Home and family.
Reversed- Poor risk.  Possible loss.  Restricting effects of tradition.

The Nines

Wands– “Great strength”.  Discipline, order, a pause in the current struggle.  Preparedness, strength in reserve, opposition.  Opposition will be defeated.
Reversed – Obstacles, adversity, problems, delays.  Displeasure, barriers to overcome.  Ill health.  Obstinacy.
Cups-“Material Happiness”.  Success, material attainment.  Advantage, well being.  Good health, victory, difficulties surmounted.  Assured future.  Emotional stability, contentment.
Reversed – Mistakes, material loss.  Imperfections, misplaced truth.  Opposition, dispute.  Complacency, self-satisfaction, smugness.
Swords-“Cruelty”.  Misery.  Worry, suffering, despair, nightmare.  Doubt and desolation, the dark night of the soul.  Miscarriage.
Reversed – Imprisonment, suspicion.  Reasonable fear, isolation.
Pentacles –“Material gain”  Material well-being.  Solitary enjoyment of the “Good Life”.  Love of nature.  Safety, prudence.
Reversed –Threat to safety – possible loss of a treasured possession or valued friendship.

The Eights

Wands- “Swiftness”.  Swift activity, sudden progress or movements.  Opportunities that could lead to success (not success in itself).  Journey, approach to a goal.  Haste,  hope, movement – cupid's arrows.
Reversed- Thorns of dispute, jealousy, quarrels, discord.  Too much, too soon – efforts exhausted.  Delay, stagnation “falling short, force spent
Cups –“Abandoned Success”  Discontinuance of effort, disappointment.  Abandonment of previous plans, turning away from established links.Desire to go on to something new and deeper.
Reversed – Happiness.  Effort continued until full success is attained.  Restlessness leads to abandonment of well-founded effort.  Joy, Gaiety – the spiritual aspect abandoned for the material.
Swords- “Shortened Force” Crisis, calamity, domination, imprisonment.  A cycle of adversity is ending, but opportunities must be grasped. Censure, criticism.  Not knowing which way to turn.  “Your hands are tied” – action is restricted.
Reversed- Freedom.  Relaxation .  New beginnings are now possible.  Hard work.  Depressed state of mind.  Misapplied effort.
Pentacles – “Prudence”.  Apprenticeship.  Craftsmanship.  Personal effort.  Employment or commission to come.
Reversed- Lack of ambition.  Disillusionment.  Concentration on immediate returns at expense of long-term success.  Voided ambition. 

The Sevens

Wands – “Valour”.  Success, gain.  Overcoming obstacles and challenges, surmounting overwhelming odds.  courage in the face of difficulties.  Time of possibilities if you are strong.
Reversed – Consternation, anxiety, embarrassment.  Indecision, hesitancy causing losses.  Uncertainty, perplexity, doubt – bluff is called.
Cups_ “Illusionary success”.  Fantasy, unrealistic attitudes.  Imagination, daydreams.  Several choices, one of great promise.  Examine your aims and goals carefully, too many ideas and desires.  Examine aims and goals carefully to avoid a major error of judgement.
Reversed – Desire, determination.  Strong willpower.  A goal nearly attained.  Intelligent choice, resolution, opportunity lost through inaction.
Swords- “Unstable effort”.  Partial success, uncertainty.  A plan may fail.  Attempt, endeavour.  Use prudence and foresight.
Reversed – Good advice. counsel.  Keep your nerve – victory is in sight but could still be lost through failure of nerve.
Pentacles –“Success unfulfilled”.  Good things are possible if inertia is overcome.  Progress with hard work;  past efforts could be negated by current inaction.  Delays possible.  If you want it you have to work for it.
Reversed- Anxiety, impatience, promising circumstances end in failure.  Imprudent actions.

Friday, 20 April 2012

The Sixes

Wands – “Victory”.  Hail the conquering hero.  Triumph, good news.  The results of efforts materialise.  Diplomacy rather than force will bring positive results.
Reversed – Indefinite delay.  Fear, apprehension.  Disloyalty, superficial benefit.  Inconclusive gain, fear of a victorious enemy.
Cups- “Pleasure”.  Memories, past influences ,things that have vanished from your life.  Nostalgia.  A new relationship with roots in the past. 
Reversed- The future, opportunities ahead.  Living in the past, clinging to outworn symbols.
Swords – “Earned success” A trip or journey, travel,voyage.  Success after anxiety.  Passage away from difficulties.  Progress resumed.
Reversed – Stalemate.  No immediate solution to current difficulties.  Current difficulties cannot be escaped, continued effort is needed.
Pentacles- “Material success”.  Generosity, philanthropy, kindness.  Gifts, material gain.  Prosperity shared with others. 
Reversed – Avarice, selfishness, envy, jealousy – alternatively, spendthrift, wasteful.  Loss through carelessness, theft, or deceit.

The Fives

 Wands – “Strife” Unsatisfied desires.  Struggle.  Labour.  Conflict, violent strife.  Obstacles.  Strenuous competition, strife.  The battle of life.  Change for the better in business.  The prize will have to be fought for if it is to be gained.
Reversed – Contradictions.  Trickery, complexity, involvement.  Caution against indecision.
Cups – “Loss in pleasure”.  Partial loss, regret.  All is not yet lost. Re-assess life – a major restructuring is indicated.  Alternatives need to be explored.  Rejection of pleasure.
Reversed – Hopeful outlook, favourable expectations, new alliances or return of an old friend.  Reunion.
Swords- “Defeat”.  Conquest, destruction of others.  Adversaries.  Defeat must be admitted before progress in new directions can be achieved.  Swallow your pride and accept the inevitable.
Reversed – Outlook uncertain.  Chance of loss or defeat, weakness. Stormy weather ahead.
Pentacles- “Material trouble” Destitution.  Loss, failure, error.  Restriction in one area of life may open up opportunities in other areas.  Affection gone astray.  DO NOT DESPAIR.
Reversed- Reversal of a bad trend, overcoming ruin.  Determination to follow a course of action will not succeed in the long run.

The Fours

Wands – “Perfected Work”.  Harmony, newly-acquired prosperity.  The fruits of labour, perfected work.  The card of the artist – achievement in the realm of ideas.
Reversed – Loss of full tranquillity.  Insecurity.  Incomplete happiness.  Snobbishness based on artificial values.
Cups – “Blended Pleasure”.  Weariness, disgust.  Discontent with one’s environment, dissatisfaction with material success.  Happiness has reached its peak and proceeds no further. 
Reversed – New instructions, new relationships.  New possibilities, new approaches to problems.
Swords – “Rest from strife”.  Respite, rest after illness.  Repose, replenishment.  Retreat, solitude.
Reversed – Activity, circumspection.  Precaution, economy – guarded advancement.  Cowardice, failure of nerve.  Qualified success.
Pentacles – “Earthly power”.  Love of material wealth.  Hoarder, skinflint, miser.  Ungenerous person, inability to share, clinging to material possessions.
Reversed – Setbacks in material holdings.  Obstacles.  Opposition to further gain.  Spendthrift.  Suspense and delay.

Thursday, 19 April 2012

The Threes

Wands – “Established Strength”.  Practical knowledge.  Business acumen.  Strength, enterprise.  Original ideas finding expression.  Inspiration rewarded. Trade, commerce.   Partnership, practical help.
Reversed – Assistance with an ulterior motive.  Treachery, beware of help offered.  Failure to support ideas with practical means of expression.
Cups – “Abundance”.  Resolution of a problem.  Solace, healing.  Great happiness from a marriage or a birth.  Victory, liberality, abundance.
Reversed – Excessive pleasure.  Overabundance.  Delays.  Selfish exploitation of the affections of others.  Sex without love.
Swords – “Sorrow”.  Absence, sorrow, disappointment, strife.  Tears, but something better to come.
Reversed – Distraction, confusion, disorder, error.  Incompatibility, separation.  Mental anxieties.
Pentacles – “Material work”.  Great skill in trade or work – the card of the craftsman.  Mastery, artistic ability.  Reknown, rank, power.
Reversed – Sloppiness, mediocrity, lower quality, lack of skill.  Conceit or prejudice making one unable to benefit from advice or experience of others – “know it all”

Tuesday, 17 April 2012

The Twos

Wands –“ Established Strength”.  Attainment of goals and needs.  Boldness, strength of will bringing ideas to pass.  Courage in undertakings, wisdom through experience.  Riches, fortune magnificence.
Reversed – Sadness.  Trouble.  Restraint caused by others.  Unexpected trouble, worthless goal, over-weening ambition, physical suffering.
Cups- “Love”.  Friendship beginning or renewed.  Passion, union.  Engagement or marriage.  Partnership, co-operation.  Harmony, a spiritual union.
Reversed – Unsatisfactory love.  False friendship.  A troubled relationship.  Divorce, separation, misunderstanding.  Throwing away a valuable gift.
Swords – “Peace restored”.  Balanced force.  Harmony.  Firmness.  Concord.  Offsetting factors – stalemate.  A truce, equilibrium. 
Reversed – Duplicity, falsehood.  Misrepresentation.  Disloyalty, false friends.  Lies.  Affairs moving in the wrong direction.
Pentacles – “Harmonious change” Difficulty in launching new projects.  Harmony in the midst of change, agility in handling new situations.
Reversed – Agility in handling matters.  Inability to handle two situations at once.  Loss of future opportunities by concentrating on the pleasures of the moment.

Monday, 16 April 2012


Wands – Creation, beginning, invention.  The start of an undertaking.  An adventure begins.  Enterprise.

Reversed  - False start, cancellation of plans.  A goal missed.

Cups – “The Holy Grail”.  Great abundance, fulfilment, perfection, joy.  Fertility, love;  goodness overflowing.

Reversed – Change, alteration, erosion.  Instability, sterility, unrequited love.  An overturning of the present state of things.  Despair, loss of faith.

Swords – Great determination.  Strength, force, activity.  All enterprises will succeed, progress cannot be halted.  “From the ashes of disaster grow the roses of success”.

Reversed- Tyranny, disaster, self-destruction.  Injustice, too much power, power misused.

Pentacles- Perfection, attainment, prosperity.  Material and spiritual prosperity.  Great wealth.

Reversed – Prosperity without happiness.  Misused wealth, wasted money.  Greed.  Lack of faith in what cannot be seen.

Sunday, 15 April 2012

The Minor Arcana

The four suits of the minor arcana are linked to the four “classic elements” – pentacles (coins or disks) correspond to earth or solids and represent things that you have, or can touch or hold or point to.  Wands (batons) correspond to fire or energy – they’re about the things you do.  Cups, not surprisingly, are linked to water or emotions – how or what you feel.  Swords represent air and the intellect – what you think.

Each suit has 14 cards – the numbered cards from 1-10 and the four “court” cards – Page, Knight, Queen and King.

Each numbered card interprets the numerological principles (below) through its element -

Ace – Beginning, unity,the individual – “One is one and all alone and ever more shall be so”

Two – Reality, duality, togetherness

Three – Creativity, evolution, completion

Four- Logic, structure, materialism

Five- Wholeness, humanity, expression

Six – Progress, development, a turn for the better

Seven – Stability, influence, integrity

Eight – Continuity, completion of a cycle, preparation for dissolving

Nine- Perfection and rest

Ten  - Potential, energy waiting to be released

Page – Evolutionary change (messengers)

Knight – Revolutionary change  (moving on)

Queen – Conservation force

King – Reactionary force

Next time I post, we’ll look at the minor arcana in more detail, beginning with the aces.

Saturday, 7 April 2012

21.The World

Upright – Completion.  Success. 

Reversed – Sloth.  Life stagnating.


The World means everything – in the sense of  “his hobby is his world, it’s his whole life”.  The World stands for the whole, and means completion, worldly success.  The phrase, “world champion” and “Miss World” spring to mind.  However, it is the world, not the Universe, and success is maybe relatively unimportant  to other people – but delightful for you.

Reversed, the card indicates laziness “too tired to get out of your own way” and stagnation.

20. Judgement

Upright – Reward.  Rebirth, renewal.

Reversed – Wasted opportunity.  Punishment


The day of Judgement, and the righteous souls are bound for Heaven.  After a time of waiting, rebirth into a better life;  forces and strength are renewed.  Judgement stands for reward; sacrifices are worth it.  Salvation has been achieved.

Reversed, the card indicates a wasted chance.  In a religious context, every opportunity to be saved has been presented;  now it is too late and the Outer Darkness with weeping and gnashing of teeth awaits.  Punishment for mistakes made.

19. The Sun

Upright – Attainment.  “Summer Holidays”

Reversed – Loneliness.  Misjudgement.  Clouded future.


The hard work is over for now and a period of rest and recuperation begins.  It’s the first day of the holidays, which stretch endlessly before you;  bask in the warm rays of the Sun, for you’ve earned it.  A lovely, joyful feeling to this card.  The Sun gives warmth and life.

Reversed, the Sun hides behind a cloud, and the future is clouded.  A “cold” feeling;  loneliness, misjudging the situation.

18. The Moon

Upright – Illusion.  False friends.  Misled.

Reversed – Fear of overstepping safe boundaries.

The Moon appears to shine brightly in the night sky.  This is an illusion;  the moon has no light of its own, merely reflecting the Sun.  The subject is gravely deceived about something or someone.  The card warns of false friends – “Swear not by the Moon, th’inconstant Moon”  However, the deception will eventually be seen through.

Reversed, the deception is minor.  Practical considerations take precedence over imagination.  A tendency to be reluctant to take any adventurous step.

17. The Star

Upright – Hope.  Healing.  No ruin is final.

Reversed – Self-doubt.  Stubbornness.  Hope unfulfilled.


The Star is the star of hope – the hope that all will be well.  The present trouble will pass away, no ruin is final.  “Star Light, Star bright..”  Healing is taking place.  New opportunity is coming.

Reversed, hope is unfulfilled.  Can indicate lack of trust in one’s own abilities.  Stubbornness and failure to adapt, making things hard for oneself.

16. The Tower

Upright – Catastrophe. “Off your backside!”

Reversed – “None so blind”;  in a rut.


Once the worst happens, the only way to go is up.  However, something is left over from the disaster;  in retrospect it will be seen as a blessing in disguise, providing as it does motivation to move away from the safe, cosy, limited lifestyle.  The influence of the Tower is a dramatic, sudden and complete change:  in effect, it forces you to get off your fat backside and DO something.  Illusions are blasted away – this is make or break time. 

Reversed, the situation continues.  Subject is in a rut.  There is a way out, but there are none so blind as those who will not see, and unless the subject can see past the illusion life will continue in the same way.

15. The Devil

Upright- Bondage.  Matter dominating spirit.

Reversed – Understanding begins.  Healing

The chains that the Devil’s victims wear are loose;  with a bit of effort they could escape.  It seem straightforward to those looking on – but it may not be as simple as it appears.  (Like dieting – all one needs to do to lose weight is to eat less!).  The things that tie us are the “right” way of doing things, pre-conceptions, habits;  everything “holding us back”.  “I’d do it if only…”  The bonds are largely illusory- and convenient.  It is more agreeable to blame our failures on “circumstances beyond our control” than to take responsibility for our own action.

Reversed, release begins – the victim sees that he is tied and begins to understand how he can be free.  Healing begins with freedom from undesirable influence.

14. Temperance

Upright - Moderation.  Compromise.  “Good Housekeeper”.  Patience. 

Reversed- Clumsy handling of a helpful situation.  Impatience.   Frustration.


Nothing is unmixed, wholly good or bad.  This is a card of control, compromise, not pushing things too far.  There is nothing so important that it justifies harming others.  Great opportunity can be realised through moderation and self-restraint.  This card is symbolic of discipline and frugality – the “Good Housekeeper” who is moderate, patient, and self-controlled.  It is an harmonious card, everything working together quietly and unspectacularly for good.

Reversed, the card suggest impatience, turning a helpful situation into an unhelpful one by clumsy handling;  over-cautiousness may cause frustrations.

13. Death

Upright – Change, transformation

Reversed – Stagnation.  Enforced change.


This, contrary to appearances, is a card of hope.  The old must make way for the new.  Nothing can remain still.  AN old way of life must pass away and a new will take its place.  Literally, it is through death that we have life;  only the death of other organisms feeds us.  If  nothing ever die, nothing would be born.  The way ahead is now being made clear – however, it may be painful, and clear only in retrospect.

Reversed, the card can indicate a stubborn refusal to change, or change enforced through procrastination.  You had your chance to do things your way – now it’s too late.